- 电 electricity
- 电路 circuit
- 水电 (n) hydroelectric power
- viscous keying (如水分子) 粘性键固
- 用电 electro-
- 近年来,以甚小移键控调制(VMSK:Very Minimum Shift Keying)为代表的超窄带(UNB:Ultra Narrow Bandwidth)技术的带宽效率已达100bps/Hz。 In recent years, the bandwidth efficiency of Ultra Narrow Bandwidth (UNB) technologies, represented by Very Minimum Shift Keying (VMSK), has reached near a 100 bps/Hz.
- 电的 telephonic
- phase-portrait近似 Phase-portrait approximation
- 电热 galvanothermy
- 不完全韵(love, move, phase, race等) imperfect rhyme
- 电位 electric potential
- 所以提出IKEv2协议和JFK(Just Fast Keying)协议作为IKE协议的替代协议,目的在于简化协议,并尽量解决IKE中存在的问题。 Thus IKEv2 protocol and JFK(Just Fast Keying)protocol are brought forward as the substitute for IKE to simplify protocol and resolve the problems of IKE.
- 不完全韵(love,move,phase,race等) imperfect rhyme
- 电场 electric field
- 不完全韵(love, move, phase, race 等) imperfect rhyme
- 为提高系统的传输速率,本文采用GMSK(Gaussian Filtered Minimum Shift Keying高斯滤波最小频移键控)调制方式来代替目前“安全通信网”中的ASK(Amplitude Shift Keying幅移键控)调制方式。 For improving the baud rate of system, this text adopts the GMSK (Gauss ian Filtered Minimum Shift Keying) modulation method to replace ASK (Amplitude Shift Keying) modulation method of current IFCNSS.
- 上电 electrify
- 电吉他 electric guitar
- 变电 power transformation
- 弱电 light current